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Hardwood Flooring

benefits of 3 ply flooring

Benefits of 3-ply Engineered Wood Flooring

Today, 3-ply engineered wood flooring is positioned as one of the best alternatives to solid hardwood. In other words, your space is in for another level of exotic aesthetics when you install 3-ply engineered wood flooring. Floors like laminates, marble, and stone may appear appealing.

wood engineered flooring

Multi-ply Wood Engineered Flooring: Pros and Cons

Hardwood flooring is ideal for homeowners who want their space to appear more modern, polished, and organized. Unfortunately, to install floors like solid hardwood, you’ll need a huge amount of money. Alongside, solid hardwood floors are pretty time-intensive in installation and maintenance.  With unavoidable downsides

long planks flooring

Long Planks Flooring – Pros & Cons

Hardwood flooring presents some of the most versatile interior decor elements in home settings. These floors are undeniably beautiful, from texture to the ambience and everything in-between. But, hardwood floors aren’t just beautiful; they’re also durable and functional. And they’ll fit in any setting, from

hardwood flooring

Engineered Hardwood vs Solid Hardwood: Which is Best?

Choosing between which type of hardwood floor to use in your house is important as each of them has their advantages and disadvantages for each situation. Hardwood flooring also comes in different kinds of hardwood. So there are a lot of varieties to choose from.